What is Absenteeism?
A successive group issue managers and HR experts need to confront is absenteeism. Absenteeism is a worker's purposeful or routine absence from work. While employers anticipate that workers should miss a specific number of workdays every year, over the top absence can compare to diminished efficiency and can majorly affect organization finances moral and other different elements.
It harming to both the employee and the organization since it places the worker in a negative light and is generalized for that conduct. Such employees are viewed as expected source of conflict the working environment.
Key characteristics of different absenteeism;
- The rate of absenteeism is the lowest on pay day, It increases considerably in the days following the payment of wages and bonus
- It generally high among the workers below 25 Years of age and those above 40 Years of age.
- The rate of absenteeism varies from department to department within an organization. Generally, it is high in the production
- Absenteeism in traditional industries is seasonal in character.
- The incidence of absenteeism is usually higher in the night shifts than in the day shifts.
- The percentage of absenteeism is generally much higher in mining and plantation industries as compared to compared to organized manufacturing industries.
Types of Absenteeism
- Authorized absenteeism: In the event that a worker is missing himself from work by taking authorization from his boss and applying for leave, such absenteeism is called approved. The real purposes behind approved absence are earned holidays, legitimate sickness and post-air raid needs, like fixing damage at home, restoring one's habitation, or looking for family members.
- Unauthorized absenteeism: On the off chance that a employee is missing himself from work without informing or taking permission and without applying for leave, such absence is called unapproved
- The Unauthorized absence of workers has consistently been an as a genuine managerial issue in the organization as it negatively affects day by day programming and execution of work just as on all out output. The impact of unapproved non-appearance is more thought about different kinds of absenteeism.
- Unplanned, genuine absenteeism: At times, however, requiring a half-day, the entire day, or several days off from work can't be made arrangements for. While troublesome to the working environment, unplanned, genuine absences are essentially a part of life. These include sickness, family crises, or accidents.
8 Prominent reasons for Employee Absenteeism
- Employee Engagement: is a fundamental part of the 21st-century work culture. In the more limited term, corporations follow the training to carry employees nearer to their working environment. Employees who feel associated with their working environment are bound to perform better compared to other people who are not. Having low or no worker commitment at work is one of the vital explanations for employee’s unscheduled absences.
- Time theft: absenteeism doesn't generally mean being missing for an entire little while at the work place. Employees taking pointless long breaks, arriving behind schedule, and leaving too soon likewise infers absenteeism. This additionally brings up issues on employees commitment towards their work, having a wrong impression about them.
- Lack of a flexible work schedule: flexible working has become a need instead of an advantage for professions across organizations. Employees have their own social and individual responsibilities that they need to comply with to partake in a sound balance between work-life balances. In such a case, the absence of a flexible working timetable can make the employee miss out on work to circle back to their responsibilities.
- Workplace Burnout: Burnout is one of the major reasons for ill-performance displayed by the employees. This mostly occurs when employees are subjected to rigorous and unscheduled working conditions. Most of the time, the issue of workplace burnout goes overlooked. A good HR practitioner knows how important it is for the employees to find some time for them to rejuvenate. However, in most cases, employees are overexposed to work, sparing them no time for themselves. And in the long run, this leads to the degradation of their interest in their workplace.
- Substance Abuse: This is something broadly spoken however less talked about. Regularly employees surrender to unethical method for fun and relaxation. Here, perhaps the most widely recognized examples would be liquor addiction or alcoholism.
- Employees lose track when they start practicing substance abuse to let go off their pressure. It separates the workers both physically and intellectually by hampering their motor capacities and their capacity to think. Therefore, leaving them with no capacity to perform their duties wilfully
- Misuse of Seniority: At the point when workers have been a part of the organization for quite a while, they get accustomed with its tasks. Being senior employees, they regularly don't feel the need for their partners inform about their absences. Furthermore, this likewise considers a characteristic of absenteeism from work. Therefore as an employer, you should keep a mind such impromptu leaves.
- Workplace Harassment: workplace harassment is a transcendent issue looked by work places and organizations all throughout the planet. Harassment can be either in verbal or physical form. Such issues hurt employee’s mental state and their psychological well-being. This likewise causes a decrease to the employees' interest in their work leading to absenteeism.
- Mental Health Issues: All the reasons that I said above ultimately lead to mental health issues. Having sound mental health is one of the most important factors that help employees to showcase unbiased performance at work.
However, with the continuous rise in the workload across all industry sectors, having a balanced mental position does seem like a dream to many employees. Therefore, to escape the ill effects of this issue, many employees resort to skipping their work to find themselves some time to rejuvenate. And most often, this kind of leaves from work goes without prior announcement. Thus, leading towards low employee attendance rates at the workplace.